- I am a M.S. student in the Computer Science Deparment at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. [Curriculum Vitae].
- My research interests focus on the general area of machine learning, and currently I am thinking more about reinforcement learning theory as well as their real life applications in multi-agent systems.
- I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My undergraduate research advisors are Prof. Xinbing Wang.
Recent News
- May, 2020. I will graduage from UIUC with master degree and join Tencent AI Lab.
- Nov 10, 2019. Our work on DeepRL in MOBA game is accepted to AAAI 2020.
- May 18, 2019. I started my summer internship in Tencent AIPD, supervised by Dr. Deheng Ye.